Farewell gifts.

As I have mentioned previously we have recently become friends with a lovely Korean lady and her young children. Today we had to say farewell to them as we are going off on a road trip tomorrow and they go back to Korea on Tuesday.  Last night we went out for dinner with them  and I gave the children a cuddly toy each, plus one for them to give to the little girl who had already left.  Today we went for a final play in the pool with them.  As we were getting dried the children gave us an envelope each.  In hubby's there was a drawing and a sweet.   In mine there was a beautiful letter.  The young girl  had written it in Korean and then got mum to help her translate it to English.   Our friend then gave us a bag containing a plastic sleeve to put the letter and card in, a luggage tag both of these have a map of Korea on them.   There was also some baby wipes, I generally carry a packet in my bag for wiping  hands.   Plus a packet of Korean sweets from our Korean friend who had already left.  We were to say the least overwhelmed.  I  will certainly miss seeing them, but we will keep in touch and hopefully we will meet again,  possibly in Korea.  I have put a close up shot of the letter as my extra.

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