It’s the wonder, the wonder of you
Look at this masterpiece.
We planted a little corn kernel on 14th April 2018, and on Saturday 25th August 19 weeks later we harvest our very first corn husk.
There were 27 plants planted in five rows. About 6 weeks after planting them in the ground at the allotment we lost four plants.
I spent time at the roots covering them with soil and manure and himself mixed feed and fed the roots.
I whispered to them as they grew as tall as me and then taller still.
We had to put a stake in the ground to hold one who decided to grow at a jaunty 45 degree angle. We put a cover round the fence to protect them from the westerly winds.
In the last week of July - the wind blew three of them horizontal. Lots of whispering lots of fixing.
We watched other people harvest theirs.... ours just didn’t look as big / full / whole
Someone said pull the coats back gently see what’s there. We did, there were kernels, but they were white.
Our neighbour gave us one of his to stave off my impatience! And this Saturday I checked the same one again and decided that as a caterpillar was sitting on it - we should open it fully to ensure it was okay
And it was. It was perfect. And beautiful.
And tonight we shared it for supper!
It was splendid! And made me so happy!
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