The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Return Visit To Jason

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went back to see Jason Byrne with The Eldest Mini Princess tonight. She LOVED it. She thought his rant about the PTA (interfering c-bombs) was particularly funny. Harsh as this opinion may seem*, we both instantly thought of someone who was active in the PTA and liked nothing better than to tell everyone about how self-sacrificing she was. She was the quintessential busybody who was also very judgy about working mums. Once, when the Mini Princesses went to her house to play with her children, she gave them half a digestive biscuit each. As a special treat. Needless to say, The Mini Princesses were unimpressed!

Anyway, I digress, we had a brilliant night. It was the first proper grown up fringe show that EMP has been to. With swearing and everything!


*I think that the PTA do a great and often thankless job but it does attract some complete zoomers

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