The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

On The Run

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I met up with a group of friends for drinks, dinner and a comedy show.
Old Nick had booked Jerry Sadowitz which definitely wasn’t for me. That’s the polite way of saying that I LOATHED the show. I will leave it there, as ranting about it would be a giving the show more of my time than it has already had.
Aside from that, it was a great night. Everyone was on great form. The Prince and Jenk told a story about a night out (with another friend, Paddy) when they were about 19…
They were wandering in the West End and happened to spot some scaffolding. Having had a few libations, the ONLY obvious thing to do was to climb it and have a beer. When they were finished, they made their way down to the first floor of the building but realised that there weren’t any ladders directly below them. Not a problem for the drunken ninjas - they decided to hang from the scaffolding and drop the rest of the way. Just as they were about to let go, the police arrived. Paddy gave The Prince and Jenk some great advice - “Look innocent lads.”
Unfortunately, the wily policemen saw through their innocence and they were put in the back of the van. They were all asked their full names and to their great hilarity, The Prince and Paddy learned that Jenk’s middle name is “Wyatt.” They were laughing so much that the policemen ended up laughing too. They were told to to bugger off on the condition that they went straight home.
They solemnly assured the law enforcement officers that they would but found themselves distracted by more scaffolding. This time, outside the Caledonian Hotel. Again, there was only one obvious thing to do, so up they went. They were on the roof of the hotel when they realised that people in the street were pointing up and that the police had arrived.  Even worse, it was the same policemen that had just sent them home. Luckily, Paddy and Jenk worked in the hotel and knew the layout, so they got in through an entrance on the roof, jumped into a goods lift and made their escape.
They walked out onto the street to find there was quite a big commotion. They asked someone what was going on and discovered that there were suspected terrorists on the roof because Margaret Thatcher was in Edinburgh!
It was good to get a bit of comedy after Jerry!

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