The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

A Mixed Bag

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went to see another couple of shows today. The first was ‘Eleanor’s Story: An American Girl in Hitler's Germany’, an adaptation of Eleanor Garner’s memoirs performed by her granddaughter Ingrid.

Eleanor was 9 when her family was sailing from her home in America to Germany where her father had been offered a new job. During the crossing, Germany invaded Poland and war broke out. The family was unable to leave Germany and lived in Berlin for the duration of the war. The stories range from an innocent child talking to her favourite apple tree to the horror of bombing, starvation and Soviet occupancy.

It was absolutely brilliant. Ingrid Garner is fantastic, acting all the parts in her Grandmother’s stories. It was powerful, moving, sweet and painful. I only went to see the show because I thought the title looked interesting on a poster. I’m glad I saw that poster. I think it is the best thing I have ever seen in the fringe.

In the evening, The Prince and I went for dinner with Rod and Mrs Rod and then to see my second show of the day, Andrew Maxwell. The show was only ok but it didn’t really matter as we had a brilliant night talking nonsense amongst ourselves. If I’m being honest, my memory of getting home is hazy. That may be because if the detour we made to Rod’s house for wine and bourbon!


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