Movie Time

I left home at 7am and had a great journey apart from a slight detour off the M40 due to an accident. I was alerted to it by my Sat Nav which suggested an alternate route, but I was undecided as in the past the other option ends up being no better. Anyway I decided to call Alan at work and asked him to check the route for me. He said there was about a mile long tailback due to the accident, with a delay of about 20 minutes, so I decided to come off and take the route around Oxford and got back on the motorway at the next junction.

This time it turned out to be the right decision as no sooner had I diverted than they announced on the radio that they’d closed the motorway and there were holdups of an hour, and all the other roads in the areas were getting congested too!

I stopped for a break at the services on the M6 toll and then carried on my way, arriving at Rachel’s just after midday, dropped my bags off and then went to pick up Scarlett. I took her to the movies to see Christopher Robin which was a really good film, and I captured her excitement here, before the film started.

Everyone else was home by the time we got back, and one the girls went to bed, Rach, Scott and i had a good catch up, but it’s late now and I’m falling asleep so I’ll log off and try to catch up soon.

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