Christmas already?

These are my offerings for the BCT Christmas art and craft funday tomorrow. I've been asked to take photos for their monthly magazine (which I also did last year) and to provide cakes to sell along with lots of other volunteers. I'm expecting my daughter to be grumpy with me tomorrow as I have just made them while her and her brother are asleep. Bad Mummy for not letting my kids bake with me but I really couldn't face having the two of them trying to 'help'.

My hubby is away at the moment visiting a good friend of ours in Budapest so I have had a day of dance (I found out today that Olivia is rehearsing for a little Christmas show), playgrounds, tantrums, a visit to a friend's house for a play date with her children - except my two fell asleep on the way there and her two were asleep when we arrived - which was a bit of a bonus as we got to have a cuppa and a chat while all the kids slept! I then had to go to the shops to buy eggs (for the above cakes) which I really didn't want to do with two young children as it was close to tea time and they have been aggravating each other all day but for some reason they were brilliantly behaved and managed to charm the cashier as she went and got them some sweets for free.
So, it seems it's just me that they're pains in the arse for!

If you ever read this kids - remember what we always say: I love you always but don't always love your behaviour! Olivia even says this to me now - cheeky little madame!

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