The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Day 2 In Purgatory

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Day 2 of dull course. The trainer dude was explaining some of the statuses and kept emphasising that when using one of them that we have to ‘BE MINDFUL’ as it is ‘DANGEROUS’.

What will happen? Will our lives be in peril? Should we be issued with protective clothing when logging on? Maybe I should go on a survival skills course.

The course pretty much finished about 2.30 pm but trainer dude obviously felt he couldn’t let us go too early so he spent an hour and a half recapping which was mind-numbing. The situation was not helped by the heat in the room. Someone moaned that it was cold for her sitting under the vent so the a/c was turned off. By the time the room temp reached 25.2, I was almost in a coma.

Or I would have been, if PS hadn’t decided it would hilarious to flip the seat height lever on my chair so it thudded down with me letting out a surprised yelp!


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