Views of my world

By rosamund


I did set out to do a bird blip today but I didn't expect to find so many in such an urban location!

I woke up early and had a quiet breakfast before getting the kids organised and dropped in Glasgow. I drove home through the back roads in Renfrewshire as I pass a big flock of swans and geese on the motorway every day and I wanted to find a spot from which I could capture them. The field they favour though is quit inaccessible so although I got a couple of shots it wasn't what I wanted.

The weather was changeable but the showers passed as I was coming out of Houston so I took a scenic route over the hills and got some nice shots over the Clyde with the rain coming in and a dark sky over Greenock. By the time I got to Port Glasgow there was a flock of seagulls circling overhead so I decided to pull in to Coronation Park to have a look and check out the swan family who have been there for a while now.

I was surprised to find oystercatchers there on the grass beside the swans, seagulls, pigeons and crows so it made for quite a mixed blip bag of birds so close to the main road, the fire station and Ferguson's shipyard. Sadly my battery ran out and I wasn't carrying a spare as a dog came along sending the smaller birds skyward and the swans attacking with wings at full stretch until the dog owner pulled out a bag of bread and they didn't seem to mind so much anymore.

Carlos and I spent the rest of the day hibernating in the living room with heating on, mugs of tea and lots of Homeland on TV. We've nearly caught up with season 2 so I need everyone else at knitting to catch up too so Seona and I can talk about it. It's such an enthralling show that I didn't even mind knitting the one long strip I need to finish the red cardi. It's not quite finished but is certainly getting there.

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