I love the ferns in the garden. And still I do not want only ferns, and that fact makes me stern about them. The ones that stayed are beautiful in autumn.
After feeding the birds and looking around, spotting the last blue flower, the new anemone bud, the tiny spiderwebs with tiny waterdrops, I suddenly discovered the beauty of the fern leaf. I did not know then it would become my blip. But it is.
Yesterdays flower was a tiny quince flower, indeed. I had hesitated to identify it because it was so little and so late.
On our journey between trains I had bought FotoHits, a german magazine, to enjoy in the next trains and to study (a big word) when arrived.
In it is an article called Perestroika! and shows a detailed montage of several pictures into one showing a military helicopter changed into a mowing machine above a crop field. Step by step the procedure is explained. Fascinating stuff.
Would that be something I would like to do when all flowers, insects, birds, creatures small or big are photographed by me? I read gladders 730th journal and he suggested that he would like to find new ways. My 730th blip is coming up soon and such a milestone can give, but should not, cause for thought.
I walked through the garden and felt glad that by looking intensely there is still much to adore, although I miss my little mouse.

My haiku:

Ferns and blackberries
I found the garden covered
I still like them both

And the proverb:

Discontent is the first step in progress.

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