Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Day dreaming

A perpetua..a dream that does not break on the awakening, it becomes bolder, strengthens and enlivens the mind. Under crystal whitened grass the earth stays hard, their blades breaking underfoot and not bending. Breath making whirls of dream shape mist in front of your eyes, like some bewitchment. The twirling patterns like sea shells drift into nothingness, magical....then gone.

The stillness in the air lays a disarming blanket over the whole place, silence and an other worldly feel to the frozen trees and statue like undergrowth. With the Sun giving still a little warm, the white frost retreats across the field, mimicking the shadows of hedgerow and tree. The white cold orb never reaching any height in the sky leaves patches of determined winter, stubborn in its delight of biting into the earth. Where frost once ruled tiny orbs of water give diamonds to the grass and branch ends.

In such a wonderland did I walk..all alone..happy.

I have things to do...they can wait, wait till the sun goes down and darkness steals away the day.


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