You Reap What You Sow
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
When I am at home, I am a bit rubbish at closing the bathroom door properly. When The Mini Princesses were very mini, they used to cry outside the bathroom door if I closed it, so it was easier just to leave it ajar so they could come in.*
Murphy does the same thing so I still don’t close it properly. He noses the door open and then we play the loo roll ‘game’ where I try to grab it from the holder before he runs off with it in his mouth, leaving me in the unfortunate and undignified position of doing a Taylor Swift** or trying to get a new loo roll from the bathroom cabinet with my knickers at my ankles.
I am so used to this debacle that it no longer seems odd but The Mini Princesses do not concur. The other day, they were passing the open bathroom door and stopped with looks of horror on their faces. Apparently the sight of me sitting on the loo, clutching the loo roll to my chest with Murphy’s head on my knee and a sightly surprised look on my face (due to the arrival of even more company at my peeing party), has scarred them. They have submitted a ‘request’ that I close the door in future.
I explained that It’s really their fault. They started it!
*I lost count of the times that I sat on the loo with one of them on my knee, singing The Wheels On The Chuffing Bus whilst wistfully recalling the days of having a poo in peace.
**Shake it off
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