I Would Take It Back

It would seem that the garage failed to clean the windscreen when they took the stickers off on selling the car.

The mushrooms were hiding this morning - unlike the multi-coloured signs the council have painted on the paths  

I have made some acorn boxes on the lathe ….. emergency blip material.

The beginning of the afternoon walk was a bit bleak but it stayed dry until PD and I got home.
Just as well I cut the walk short when he started limping.

The monsters were joined by Humphrey from round the corner after school. She (Yes - she ……..long story) is H's granddaughter and is a good influence on the monsters (even though she is the same age as The Cygnet) and there wasn't one argument all afternoon.
Diner went down well …. Can I have some more please? and both of them continued their good behaviour. The Cygnet made the snacks and packed lunches for tomorrow and then drew himself a bath.
The pair of them were in bed by 7pm.

SWMBO took herself off to her bed not long after ………. the changing weather has brought on a migraine again.

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