The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Daisy, Daisy

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Victor’s arthritis in his knees has been getting worse lately. It means that he hasn’t been able to get out walking, a pastime he has always loved. The doctor suggested cycling as a non-impact form of exercise so Victor borrowed a bike and has been going out regularly.

But there’s no show without Punch…

One of my parents decided that cycling would be a great thing for them to do together, and let’s be clear, it wasn’t Victor. Mary Doll went on an eBay mission, found a bike and it arrived last week.

‘Show her your leg’, Victor demanded when they were round for lunch.

Mary Doll glared at him and reluctantly lifted her trouser leg.

OMG. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she had been in a car accident. She is black and blue and sporting a skinned knee.

‘What the hell happened?’

Turns out that Mary Doll has never learned how to ride a bike. It also turns out that her natural tendency to lean to her right makes keeping the bike upright an impossibility unless she finds a way to defy the laws of physics.

Eldest Mini Princess suggested that she should have something protective wrapped round her. I suggested one of those special jackets with the very long sleeves, but Mary Doll gave me a withering look and said that it was all sorted…

She now has stabilisers on her bike.

Victor is refusing to go cycling with her.


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