It’s All Pants
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
The Explorer and Boots have a night out so their children Diego and Alicia are staying Chez Normal tonight.
The kids made some ‘musical joke’ about finding a D-string so I couldn’t help myself adding that at least it wasn’t a G-string!
The Eldest Mini Princess and Diego laughed. As always, The Youngest Mini Princess looked mortified but Alicia was confused.
“What’s a G-string?” she innocently asked.
I then had to explain stupid uncomfortable pants which don’t cover your bum properly to a 10 year old. Cue more horror from YMP!
Have I ever mentioned that Kitty Cat once went on a cycle and hadn’t remembered that she was wearing a G-string? Her underwear went on a trip of its own which she was unable to forget for days. Not a mistake she ever made again!
Which reminds me of another underwear story (I’m on a roll)...
When my youngest aunt had her son, he was in an incubator for the first couple of days as his temperature kept dropping.
My Gran was helping out and doing my aunt’s laundry while she was still in hospital. She was aghast when she saw how brief my aunt’s briefs were. She thoroughly chastised my aunt...
“No bloody wonder that baby was born cold”
Still makes me laugh!
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