
By momcat1

Cayuga Lake day

We decided to try the Cayuga Inlet for kayaking today . The inlet was full of ducks ( and boats). We stopped at the Farmer's Market first and picked up some green beans, garlic and bok choi as well as lunch ( Cambodian- only place to get it on the East Coast). We then discovered we had time to get to one winery - and scored the last bottle of dry rose Sheldrake had! Yay!
I also managed to get a new card for the camera since I was totally empty  which is why there were no photos the last 2 days. Well that and tomatoes and cucumbers.
So , I was able to get some photos of the ducks today. and - I have no clue as to which kind of ducks these are.:)
The extra is one of the many kayaks full of Cornell students out on the inlet also.

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