Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Road to West Linton

Sunday morning and I'm waiting to make sure the rain has gone before going on my bike ride. It is quite breezy when I step out. So I decide to head in to the wind. The route is very straight forward, I head out to Hillend, Bush, down to Auchendinny, and a long climb up Westerhaugh. The trees mean its not as difficult as it could have been. At the top I turn left on to the top gear road, then right to head for Howgate before heading south to Leadburn.

I carryon on cycling in to the wind to follow the A701 through Lamancha to Romannobridge. Its taken longer then usual to get here, so I head to West Linton on the Bogsbank road. A bit of a climb. At the top, I snap my blip looking towards West Linton and the Pentland Hills with my phone.

The ride is now wind assisted back home. So it doesn't take long to get to West Linton, climb up to the Moor Road, cycle to Penicuik, then back home via Bush and Hillend.

The route can be seen at Relive here, with the other photos I took as a slide show.

After lunch, its down to Newington to visit the charity shops, before walking to Middle Meadow walk for coffee. Then we get the bus to the supermarket as we need another tea as twin 2 is out. Then we walk home.

Sunday evening. The weekend has gone too quick.

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