Science Cats

Back in July I signed Qwerty up for science cats after seeing a leaflet in the vets. It’s a bit quirky and not for the feint hearted! Bristol university are collecting specimens of small mammals that have been killed by pet cats. They are analysing them to see what kind of parasites the cats might coming into contact with and potentially bringing into the homes of their owners. Qwerty catches loads I thought, I’ll join.
Well....shortly after we signed up we got Pango and all the dead critters that Qwerty used to leave for us disappeared! I later discovered that the two cats have formed a pact. Qwerty hunts and Pango eats! Gross! However tonight after 3 months of waiting I managed to intercept them and got the poor little bird into it’s special postage tin. It feels very odd to be posting a dead bird and just hope no one at the post office opens it and gets a nasty shock!

In other news, Alexander had a super second session at school and Phoebe won fruit pastille Friday for all her great work this week.

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