Part Church
Here's some of a church in Castres. Now, when I mention 'Castres' and then post a rubbish photo I'm sure you know who to blame. Yes, it's those Irish friends again leading us astray... Not much going on this morning, then off to some lakes near Castres for a walk with the aforementioned folk. Lots of catch up gossip, and hilarity at the odd noises one of their dogs was making. Back to theirs for an advertised 'cup of tea' - which turned out to be a glass of red wine instead.... closely followed by another (ok, that was probably my fault - but I was thirsty!)
But as you can see we were heading home at a perfectly respectable 6.15pm (and yes, Mr B had held off the second glass so was able to drive). Lots of catch up telly, a quick shirt ironing session, and a later-than-it-should-have-been night.
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