
By AlrightFlower

Another day(break), another dollar

Another beautiful dawn between the houses this morning. The view was spectacular from the main road roundabout but, there being other folk about, I thought it best not to stop and get out of the car for a shot...

Today has been a mixed bag:

OOPS I've made a major cock up for one of the events I arrange, which is on Monday and for which I had (in)conveniently forgotten to book a venue

BUT our wonderful conference and events manager has very kindly let me leave it in her capable hands and I believe she will rescue me (must remember to make her a thank you card at the weekend)

OOPS I went on a 60 mile round trip this evening to collect a really cool Christmas present for my nephew from UKMail, a courier service that (as far as their website seems to say) neither delivers nor allows you to collect on a weekend. They are however open until 8pm - that's if you can find them in the pitch blackness. They are on a long stretch of A road, where 60mph seems to be the minimum speed rather than the maximum and where there are no streetlights. The business park on which they're situated either has no signage, or it's very well hidden (and not illuminated), and a search of their company name or postcode (in both my satnav and Google Maps) takes you to a seed and grain company which, at 7.30 this evening, was all locked up. Total waste of time and almost a quarter of a tank of petrol.

BUT I started Weightwatchers last week and, despite my doubts, I managed to lose 3.5lbs! I've always associated losing weight with being hungry, but I've been eating quite a bit of fruit - even bananas have no points - and my tummy hasn't rumbled once :-) So, although they seem to like you to set target weights, I'm rebelling - my goal is to lose weight every week, no matter how much or how little, it's all a step in the right direction.

AND my brother called this evening - I missed his first call and, having not long been in from the fiasco journey, was too narked to ring him back. Bless him, he called a while later and we had a good old natter. No matter how foul a mood I'm in - and believe you me, he's had to deal with some of my foulest - he always manages to make me laugh, either by distracting me from my perceived problems, or by making them so ludicrous that I can't help myself. He had a lot of that to do while I was dealing with Dad's estate, and never once let me down. Really, I owe him my sanity such as it is.


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