Slightly More Sensible
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
The Prince’s school reunion is this weekend so he is having a big night out. One of the women he works with said that he can get into any state he likes and as long as his mode of transport isn’t an ambulance, he will still be better behaved than me!
There were teenagers staying over so The Explorer came over. She is having a tough time but my tale of stupidity had her p1ssing herself laughing. It was an lovely night and we stuck to two glasses of wine each. I’m glad she is poking her nose out of her cave.
The Prince came home very late having ended up in the casino with everyone and was happily chatting about his evening. He had amusingly taken a note on his phone of a story to tell me because he knew he was p1ssed and he’d forget. I was very impressed by that foresight! He was on great form and had clearly had a brilliant night although I did eventually have to point out that going to sleep might be advisable as it was starting to get light!
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