Fifty Not Out

I woke with a feeling of dread. Today I am 50.

I came downstairs to find everyone already assembled, banners and balloons up, a birthday sash and badge to wear and a huge cooked breakfast on the go. I opened my cards and presents then we went to the beach for a couple of hours. it was sunny but quite windy. The children continued building a big hole and Darren and Sam continued their fruitless fishing excursion.
Sarah was in charge of cooking dinner which was an amazing roast dinner of pork and beef. While she slaved in the kitchen, we sat outside in the sunshine, lazing on the swing seats and hammocks, working our way through a jeroboam of Lansons. We all managed to squeeze around the dining room table, a lot of champagne, wine and beer was consumed and a good time was had by all.
What a brilliant weekend we've had and I am very lucky to have such lovely people around me to make my big birthday so special.

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