Mushroom Hunter Supreme

Ella and I had the fabulous idea when we were sloe picking to go mushroom foraging. Most people we have mentioned this to have recoiled in horror but armed with books, apps and my new birthday mushroom knife we set off, Will decided he should come to stop us killing ourselves as he had read the mushroom book more than anyone.

Well, it was just fabulous, we found loads of different types, none of which we were able to identify except for the beefsteak. A thoroughly enjoyable few hours- Rosie had a ball in the woods and Will was non-stop chatter and enthusiasm ( such a brilliant change from his recent reclusive approach) We brought all our specimens home for spore printing. We’ve done that now but are not really any further with identifying anything. We need more guidance we have decided before we actually eat anything.

Anyway, we have our own new classifications. The illegal ones where we sent Will over a barbed wire fence. The yellow ones which are everywhere. The black pointy one, you can work that one out yourself.

Extras are the mycologists at work and the spore printing in action.

Then home for a sit down, light housework, stew making, welcome Daisy home and an overdue bake off catch up while stew eating.

Cracking weekend, that one.

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