The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

More Sock Munching

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I spent a lot of today on the sofa. I was walking Murphy last night and he saw a cat and took off like a rocket. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the cat and twisted my knee when I was launched off the pad. Back to limping!

It was actually very pleasant. I was in nana nap mode so played the game of watch tv for 15 mins, snooze, look up guiltily, rewind programme, repeat. Makes a tv show last ages!

Murphy took advantage of my inability to move quickly by grabbing and eating a sock. Aaaargh. It’s only marginally better than his cousin Bella who eats her own poo! She also jumps up and tries to steal (full) poo bags. Manky pup.


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