Long Walk

Well the walk wasn't that long but turned into a long one as people kept gushing over Oscar! It was such a beautifully sunny autumnal day a walk at Cotehele was a must, a different route to the one we had done in the rain the previous day! We had only just left the carpark when the first couple spoke to us! It was the same all the way past the Tamar River and into the woods! One woman immediately did a search on her phone for the breed! His ears were always the starting point of the conversation! Oscar just lapped up all the attention and was friendly but well behaved. We found a willow arbour to sit under when we reached the Mill, and still people approached us to ask about and pet Oscar! We were not even on the footpath, people actually made a diversion to come see him! You can see how chilled out / exhausted he was by all this attention here! As we left and went to cross the little wooden bridge a white fur ball of a little dog came across. Well Oscar was beside himself with excitement! Bounding around her and the owners! Maybe it was because it looked like a miniature sheep and was bringing out his herding instinct, or maybe because she reminded him of Bob the terrier who accompanied him on the journey over from France! 
The walk back took just as long - people stopping and exclaiming about his ears again! I had so many conversations with people I began to wonder who was being more socialised! I have to confess I love all the attention both Oscar and therefore I get - I've always been a bit of an exhibitionist and love to stand out!!  Oscar was exhausted when we got back to the car and once home I had to lift him out! However after a power nap he was all go again! Cotehele had been his second walk of the day as it was and I had been thinking I would leave him behind when I did the hens bedtime. As it was he came with me and was much more chilled out and relaxed than last time. He walked up and down the track as far as his special lead on a metal coil in the ground would allow. The hens were still displeased at his presence and Henrietta in particular incessantly clucked in alarm! When the hens were inside the coop  I even brought him onto their plot to close the coop and look for eggs in the undergrowth! He had a good long sleep on his return and settled much quicker when we went to bed.
Had to include the extra as it looked just like a person striding cross the little rivulet with a staff in their hand!

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