At Last!

My ginger plant has flowered! Not the one I have carefully nurtured in my conservatory and got from The Eden Project many years ago, but the one Camera Man gave me and I put in it's pot by my shed on the allotment! It spent the winter in my shed and has basically been watered as and when I remembered! When I spotted the flower spike I brought it home and now it's gorgeous perfume is scenting my house!
Oscar continues to amaze me. Today I took him into Tavistock to get him a harness. He was a little hesitant to move in the small carpark in the centre of the town, and would stop as we walked to look at the cars passing. He was a bit hesitant going into the pet shop too! This was the real test as there are baskets at nose level containing all sorts of doggy treats such as pig ears, snouts and bones! Well he was phenomenal! Calm, well behaved and only licked the bones twice! Once again he was a source of intense interest from other people and all admired his good looks! It took a long time to be served and then a long time to get his harness fitted and he was so cooperative as the woman fitted it. She described it like a bra in the way it fitted! I took him for a walk round the shop wearing it, like one would try out a pair of shoes! It was great! I also bought a range of treats, food, a trainer lead and treat dispensing toy, along with bird food and straw for the hens! 
After this I decided to walk him up the main highstreet to see Gilesey in Whitestuff. Again, so well behaved! Not fazed by all the sights and sounds and not pulling on his harness! Unfortunately Gilesey was on holiday so we went home!
He had a good sleep once home and then an evening walk , where he was hesitant walking up the path to the station - maybe too quite?!!  Even a collared dove in a tree caused him to stand stock still! Once home I gave him the pig ear I'd bought him - one very happy puppy for ages! No need to chew me or anything else when there is a pigs ear to chow down on! Come bedtime he lay on the bed next to me and we were both asleep in an instant! Oh and I forgot to say how wonderful Oscar smells! I loved the smell of my old dog Max, and after he died I would sniff dogs I met in the hope of inhaling  that wonderful scent! Not all dogs have that smell - but oh lucky me Oscar does! 

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