
By Beewriter

Driving in the Rain

It poured down all morning.

If you need to go out in your car and the electrics fail on your car so that you can't put the roof on, the only answer, for a woman whose hair curls in the rain, is to put your umbrella up!

It was quite a good day today, usually Wednesday is my worst day of the week, but with all the rehearsing for the Christmas plays I'm not always needed in Early Years. This is the first time in about twenty years that I'm not involved in a play; I used to write all my own and they were always a hit (I'm modest too). I'm not a big fan of all the bought plays...the songs are too similar. I used to use songs from Grease, Abba or other musicals and rewrite the words or use popular songs. I once did 'Stars in their Eyes' from Bethlehem..."My name is Mary and I'm here in Bethlehem to have a baby, but tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be .........Shania Twain." Exit through doorway in blue shift and reappear as Shania to sing 'Man, I feel like a woman'.
Anyway I digress, it was a good day.

Other news: I found out that Tony Robinson is coming to school in December and I have to take all the photos. I hope he is as good as Henry Winkler was!

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