
By Beewriter

Drama Day

When I arrived at school this morning the sun looked amazing across the fields so I took a quick photo before going in.

I spent all morning in the drama studio taking photos of the GCSE students doing their exam performances. One group did Waiting for Godot and the other did Shakers. They were very good, but I don't know why they chose a play that can't be performed in front of the rest of the school. Shakers includes bad language and the content is unsuitable. Do fifteen year olds really have to use foul language to express themselves in an exam? Do they only have to display angst? Are happy and comical not worthy of exams? I'm sure there are lots of plays that could be studied instead. Or am I just being a fuddy duddy?

Anyway I worked on the pics, printed them out, laminated them and delivered them to drama staff who were amazed at my speedy work....I earned some brownie points there ha ha. I also put blog on school website....more brownie points. Oh no, I'm becoming a goodie goodie....I will have to do something bad tomorrow....I'd better go and plot and scheme hee hee.

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