
By Beewriter

The Eating Challenge......

The challenge is to eat the worm, freshly dug up, and then you win a star for camp.....

Football again...I am so angry. Why do we have to miss I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here because of a football match? For those of you who suffer withdrawal symptoms, like me, then you can look at another of my willing helpers doing a challenge...this time an eating one.

I asked Sandra and Karen but they shivered at the thought of even holding a worm, never mind putting one anywhere near their face. Mea volunteered, thank goodness.

My next problem was finding a worm. I really wanted a big, fat, juicy one but I only had a spoon to dig around in the mud with.....and all the big, fat, juicy worms were hiding deep down in the ground. Whilst I was grubbing around in the earth a parent arrived to pick her son up early. As I had a plate with two tiny worms on and I was digging with a spoon for more I felt I had to explain... about Blip, I'm a Celebrity, the whole shebang.......she looked at me and smiled and I knew she thought I was a fruit loop.

I did find a reasonable sized worm and, as I saw other people walking down the drive way, I decided to settle for that... before I had more explaining to do. Mea was about to eat her lunch but fortunately she was happy to pose with the little wiggler.

I wanted a bigger worm.....but couldn't find one.
I wanted more time to work on the shot...but didn't have it.

Anyway, this is the result. Did she eat it? Well let's just say...we ate well in camp !!!!

Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. Think I'll go and eat worms....

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