Tim and the Climbing Wall

Today's the day ………………………. for a sensory experience

Joiner son, Tim has got an interesting job on at the moment.

He's working at a place called 'Aura'  - Kendal's first multi-sensory environment which offers its visitors, particularly those with cognitive impairments and other challenging conditions '...….the opportunity to enjoy and control a variety of sensory experiences. Limitations of movement, vision, hearing, cognitive abilities, behavioural difficulties, perception of pain and other problems are all catered for here in an environment which is both relaxing and calming, but also activates different stimulation areas aimed at basal stimulation...….'

So this is Tim in the process of constructing a sort of horizontal climbing wall using all those coloured bits and pieces - which I'm sure will be enjoyed by lots of children.  And meanwhile, other son, Rob, has also been busy today making a bespoke pair of wooden shutters for a window in Moniaive.

Isn't it lovely to have such creative, talented sons …………………..  

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