I was all set to bring you a monument again today. The recently erected monument to the 72 men who died during the making of the Forth Rail Bridge. But then I saw this. I have never before seen anyone doing this. I can only imagine they are picking cockles, clams, mussels, razor clams? I can't imagine what state they would be in and why they wouldn't poison you immediately. The Firth of Forth is not a clean river.

The tide was clearly out, the sky was blue, the water like a millpond and the usual tourists sat in their cars eating ice creams. I was ever so slightly confused as to the month! Mother was in good form today although suffering some temporary lurgy.

The boy waltzed out of his exams full of his usual confidence which was lovely to see as this wasn't the state he left home in this morning.

At that moment when you and your betrothed plan for a family there are various things to consider, where to live, can you afford it, etc, but at no time does anyone mention that you should remember just how many years of exams you have ahead of you. I would have wished for twins had I known. I have 6 years of this, however, 3 down and 3 to go. At least I knew to stop at 2 children!

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