The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Strange Encounters

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We were reminiscing today with The Mini Princesses. When The Eldest Mini Princess was about three years old, The Prince had a big night out. He was sleeping it off the following day and The Eldest Mini Princess wanted to wake him up.

Me: No, Daddy is very tired. We will just let him sleep.

EMP: Why is Daddy tired?

Me: Daddy’s head is a bit sore. He has a beer head.

EMP (sharp intake of breath): Oh poor poor Daddy. A bear did hit him on the head. Poor poor Daddy.

Which made perfect sense in the world of a 3 year old*. You have to watch out for pesky bears in the centre of Edinburgh.


PS As you can see from the photo, Murphy decided that the cushion I was using to keep my knee elevated would make a lovely pillow!

*I imagine that this might also cause confusion in Kiwiland!

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