Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Fireman's Pole (remains of)

I spend the morning doing the weekly chores (apart from putting on the first lot of washing, but I hang it out). I don't have much cycle maintenance to do, apart from the weekly check the brakes, chain and tyre pressures. My partner has a craft fair at the old fire station, which was the Museum of Fire, but now forms part of the Edinburgh Art College.

So after lunch, I go down and offer moral support. I learn that the Museum of Fire is now in MacDonald Road. The remaining space has a lot of light,and makes an excellent venue. (Extra 1) It is also very warm, it is quite cold outside. The radiators aren't on, so the heat must come from somewhere else. It's certainly not the sun. My only duty is to get coffee and afternoon snack. There is one door that leads (or rather exits from) to the old Fireman's Pole. It doesn't go up to the top any more. Shame, it might have been good to have a shot.

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