Smiles - 5


When I woke up this morning, it was raining. I had a look at the weather forecast and it looked like it was gonna rain all day. Just my luck! Why does it always rain on my days off?

Anyway.. I was not feeling very hopeful for a portrait by looking at the weather, so my heart sunk a little bit. However, there was always the possibility of a portrait indoors. Rainy days make me lazy, so it took me a while before I finally left the flat. I went first to buy my Secret Santa present for work. I felt too embarrassed to ask the lady behind the counter for a portrait, so I didn't. Then I went to a couple of charity shops. I do love charity shops, by the way! You find lots of cool stuff and whatever you buy always contributes to a good cause. So, anyway, I bought a really nice scarf in the second charity shop I visited and then I thought I may ask the lady behind the counter for a portrait this time. I was thinking, come on Lali, you can do it! The worse that can happen is that she says no. And that's happened a couple of times already since I started this series...

Well, as you can see, the lovely lady behind the counter agreed to have her portrait taken. This is very good practice for me for taking portraits of people! I explained to her what I was doing and I gave her the address of my Blipfoto journal. Thanks very much lovely lady (sorry, I should have asked for your name). I was thinking, if it's hard for me to ask strangers for a portrait, it's also hard for them to have a photo taken by a stranger, so I do really appreciate the cooperation of everybody involved in this little project!

After that I went to the gym. A bit late for my taste, because I arrived to the gym at peak time and there were too many people, but I'm glad I went. Feeling much better for that now!

Back to work tomorrow, but then I'll be off at the weekend!! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my portraits! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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