
By Annieone

"What Do You Think Of This".......?

Kitty......"Annie do you want to take a Blip picture"?
Me........."ok Kitty I'll get my it of you"???
Kitty........"yes of course....eating these"!!!
Me........."Ok ...I've taken it now"!!!!
Kitty...."What do you all think of these new fishy shaped treats that Annie bought for me this morning??? "
Me......."What did you say Kitty"
Kitty....."I was just asking my friends like Eggy and Cuddles (and all the Humans) what they thought of these fishies."
Me......."Do you like them Kitty?"
Kitty....."Oh they are very tasty.....they taste like salmon and trout"!!!!
Me........"I'm glad you like them"!!

I've just noticed that Kitty has been replying to some of your lovely comments about him yesterday.......I'll murder him......I never know what he's going to get up to next (behind my back)....
Hope everyone has a great Blipping weekend.......Annie

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