
Tsering is our landlady.

At the breakfast table this morning we were discussing birthdays and I asked her when her's was, she said November the 22nd. Andrea and I looked at each other and said at the same time "That's today!". It was quite funny. It seems Tibetan people don't really celebrate their birthdays like we do and Tsering doesn't really remember when hers is. She went to India recently and the immigration official asked her when her date of birth was and she had to check in her passport!

Needless to say we made sure she celebrated today. We cooked her fish cakes and salad and had a cake with a candle on top. We sang happy birthday and she made a wish and blew out the candle. For the the first time in her life! :-)

Her daughter entertained us by singing and playing guitar, she has a sweet voice. She had never heard of the Beatles, she has now.

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