The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Topsy Turvy Weather

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I have been preparing for winter. I don’t mean getting a flu jab and stocking up in anti-freeze. I mean buying winter attire - new pjs, a fluffy dressing gown and slippers.

I thought that would be me sorted for the next few months so I was quite perturbed to find the temperature had increased today to 15 degrees*. Further investigation (opening the weather app) revealed that it is due to be 18 degrees by mid week. This is not on. It’s October. Time for my skin to go an attractive shade of blue and to let leg hair grow for extra warmth. Time to weigh up whether the chat on a night out will be worth leaving the house and freezing my @rse off. Time to change from white wine to red wine to mulled wine. Time to stop buying salad and refuse to eat anything that doesn’t fit the description of stew, pie, casserole or soup. Time to start applying lip balm at least 30 times daily. Time to lose feeling in my feet, no matter how many pairs of socks I’m wearing. Time to notice how beautiful the city is at night Time to snuggle under blankets to watch tv.

But no, It’s practically taps aff weather for Scotland. Wrong. Just wrong. Bring on Winter.

I write this wearing my new PJs, dressing gown and slippers. I might be sweating but I won’t be beaten!


*it’s colder in Kiwiland.

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