The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

There’s A Hole In Her Bucket

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Not sure Mary Doll quite gets the concept of a bucket list. I phoned to wish her a happy birthday and I could hear the seeds of doubt about the ice skating lessons.

She bravely tasked Victor with calling me later in the day (when she was out) to ‘break the news’.

He explained that although she said that she had ‘mentioned it in passing’*, on reflection, it isn’t for her. The deciding factor was the bit on the information leaflet which stated ‘In order to participate in these classes, applicants must be able to balance and ...’

‘Given her recent balancing issues on the bike’, Victor explained

We both agreed that she definitely isn’t balanced!

I’m going to have to come up with a new viral video idea. Maybe I’ll go for skydiving which she also claimed was on her bucket list!


*By mentioned this in passing, she mistakenly gave the impression in her ‘you only life once’ speech that her life would not be complete without this experience

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