Fisherman's knot

A very pleasant day - the wind dropped, the sun came out, and there were only a few torrential downpours- plus no work. Even better - I got paid! Due to having changed my hours, which happens every year, the Dept of Ed had got its knickers in a twist and no pay had been forth-coming. Forms had been filled in - the same ones I've filled in numerous times before, but today I was back paid for the whole term - lovely!
I headed over to Schull to collect cards from TJ and we went to Hacketts for lunch and a catch up. Driving home, it looked as though a good sunset might be in the offing so I grabbed Himself and we headed down to Farrananamangh. It was cold and very beautiful - lots of whooper swans, a large heron, noisy oyster catchers and the odd cormorant. The sunset was golden and I took many blips, including standing in the river with himself hanging on to me. But I rather like ths image - a colourful knot, tossed up from the sea during the recent gales, spotted by Himself (he demanded a credit), and originating who knows where.
The weekend - enjoy!

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