Early Riser

I set my alarm for 6.15am this morning as my Tide App showed that low tide was at the same time as sunrise - so that's twice this week that I've been up at the crack of dawn!  Surprisingly there were hardly any people down at the beach, I expected to see lots of Brighton Skies photographers as there have been lots of photos posted over the last couple of days.  It turns out there was one guy from the group there, as I saw one of his photos on the Facebook page with me in it!  I watched the colours change and I decided to use these two young girls as part of my shots as I liked their reflections in the sand and also the fact that one was taking a photo with her phone..

I was back home by about 8am, had breakfast, hung a wash load out that I'd put in before I went out, and did another load.  I had a shower and also showered the boys at the same time - it makes life easier as we don't have a bath and if I try to shower them when I'm dressed I end up getting soaked as ours is a walk in shower!

I had an appointment at the doctors for my flu jab, and then I drove to Lewes to meet Vanessa for lunch.  It was great to have a catch up and to hear all about her holiday in Canada - somewhere I'd really like to visit. I also did a food shop and then got the spare bedroom ready as my friend Audrey arrives tomorrow for the weekend.  

It's amazing what you can get done when you get up early! And now getting ready for my zumba class, so I'll catch up with you later.

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