Storm Callum

Despite the 25 mph winds, it's actually been quite nice here today and about 18 degrees, which is better than further north.  Audrey left home at 9am and after two stops, arrived at about 3.30pm - she said the journey couldn't have been worse, unless it snowed.  She drove from Cheshire to Oxford in heavy wind and driving rain, but she said it cleared after Oxford.

After preparing Jamie's beef tagine for the slow cooker, I went for an outdoor swim although I only did 30 lengths today as I was aching after last night's zumba!  I made a salad for lunch and then Alan and I went down to the White Cliffs Cafe for a coffee and a hot chocolate.  We drove both cars down, as Alan works from home on Fridays so he only had his lunch break so he couldn't stay for long.

High tide was at 2pm, so when Alan went back to work, I went down on the undercliff to capture the waves, they were pretty spectacular as you can see.  I nipped home briefly to get my wellies, as everywhere was quite wet, and stayed until about 3pm. The force of the sea is quite amazing and it’s rather a change from yesterday’s blip!

When Aud arrived we went and sat in the Palace, I offered her a glass of 'real' wine and I had a non alcoholic beer, and we sat and had a good catch up.  She was tired tonight after her journey so shes had an early night,  and I then spent the rest of the night going through my photos - I'd taken about 200!

Wishing you all a great weekend x

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