Cuckmere Haven

After breakfast Aud and I headed out and the plan was to go to Beachy Head, but we decided to stop at Cuckmere and walk along the river to the beach.  This is one of my favourite spots looking down towards the old coastguard cottages at Cuckmere Haven with the Seven Sisters beyond.  

It was windy again  but it's been about 22 degrees which for the middle of October is amazing!  We saw a couple of herons and egrets on our walk and when we reached the cottages we sat and enjoyed the view for a while before walking  back to the Cuckmere Inn where we sat and had a coke.  On the way home we stopped at a farm shop as Aud wanted to pick up some veg and I got a tray of eggs, £2 for 20 - they were so fresh that they had feathers on them!

We had an hour at home and then the three of us headed over to Lewes as I'd seen that there was a light festival on tonight.  We parked up and walked into town and sat outside Bills for a drink and then went to Chaula's Indian for a curry which was delicious.  By the time we'd finished eating it had gone dark, so we walked up to the Castle which was illuminated.  There were various buildings around town that were lit up with coloured lights and told a story, which were very impressive.  Even at 8pm it was still 20 degrees so it was very pleasant wandering around!

Its the second weekend of my SOBER challenge, and I'm still focused.  I haven't even had much of the non alcoholic wine, it's just not quite the same, and I have to say that I've surprised myself in that I'm not that bothered.  Although when we were having our curry, a couple had a bottle of prosecco and when the cork popped and the waiter poured their glasses, the thought of having a glass was very appealing - I didn't of course.  My 'diet' is doing well too,  I don't feel as hungry and the scales are lower, so that's spurring me on too.

Anyway, it's late again and I'm off to bed.  Apologies for the lack of comments, but as always, it's not really possible to spend time online when we have a visitor.

Hope you've had a good day too!

While we were at Cuckmere Haven, we saw a glider overhead and I took a photo of it - Alan commented on it as we don't see many gliders, and then later tonight he read that the Coastguards had been called out to a glider that had crashed into the sea near Beachy Head, which is only just along the coast from where we were.   I'm thinking it has to be the same glider but luckily both passengers were rescued and ok.

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