These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Blast from the past

Happy Tuesday! Today, I was a little out of it, maybe because I was contemplating all the knowledge gained at Bible study. Regardless, I'm looking forward to kids in bed and rest in the very near future!

I managed to sort through a few boxes in the garage today and came across a box of misc memorabilia from college and high school. I came across a picture that was one of the first pictures I took with a traditional SLR camera and I snapped a picture of it! I was taking a photography class in college and was working on understanding motion. I actually have quite a few funny pictures of GG gained through my photography class. This one just made me laugh!

The kids came across a bunch of Easter Eggs in our cleaning project and I'm sure we'll be having plenty of egg hunts for the next couple of months, leading up to Easter! I might as well accept it now - my house will be covered in eggs!

The kids and I met Josh at the campus pool for our own version of "swimming lessons" this evening. The kids absolutely LOVE it. They talked me into going off the high dive and the little dive. I made a fool of myself all for their enjoyment. Isn't that what parenting is all about?? :)

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