Walk near the farm shop

With some bright sunshine and no rain (yet), it was time to go to the Essex Bridge.

I’ve usually parked in Shugborough and walked down but today I took the lazier option and approached from the farm shop along the canal.

I took a serious phone call from my cousin near the lock and sat down to concentrate. As I sat, a heron flew in over my shoulder and stopped only about 20 feet from me. I didn’t have a free hand for a photo, but I did gasp and tell my cousin.

As soon as I reached the Essex Bridge I saw my heron, plus another, just sitting there.

I spent nearly 45 minutes just watching, chatting with others enjoying the lovely place, and taking photos. Cormorants in the distance, cygnets and swans posing, changing light and beauty, I had a camera full of potential blips when I finally set off to the shop.

On my way my blip was hi-jacked. The robin was insistent so my heron was relegated to an extra.

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