Back To Kit Hill

Back to Kit Hill - first time for Oscar! As usual in a new environment he was a bit whimper/whiney! But he still explored the new terrain! Oscar is the fourth dog I have walked with on Kit Hill and it seems both strange and yet so familiar. I must admit there have been a few times when I have called him Max and it's been many years since he was alive.
 It had been a bit of a grey day but by the afternoon the sun made an appearance and it felt balmy up on the hill. Not often you can describe kit Hill as being balmy - unheard of in October! At 334m it is the highest point in the Tamar valley and the views over the landscape are a joy. Looking down on the small villages gives an out of time feeling - seeing the cars travelling along the roads and knowing people are down below carrying out their normal lives as we stride across the hill listening  the sound of the Kites after which the hill is named. The quarry always fascinates and disturbs me. The deepness of the water, the granite looming up and the blocks poking out of the water give it a rather Dr Who feel! 
A lovely way to spend the afternoon!

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