Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


We finally got the cover on the camper today.  Our daughter's father-in-law (left) helped Pipersdad while Piper and I supervised from the ground.  We got it done in no time and then we took Mel out to breakfast.  I think it really helped that PD and I opened it up on the ground yesterday and carefully folded and rolled it.  That way there was no confusion about how to place it and unroll it on top of the trailer.

Don't forget that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM).   A click on this link will take you to the Breast Cancer website.  Another click on the "Click to Give" button will help fund mammograms for those who can't afford them.  It takes less than 2 minutes and it's free, an easy way to help the cause!

I am grateful that Mel is always willing to help us!  Becky has the most wonderful extended family of in-laws and we are always included in all their activities.  We are very fortunate!

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