Cool Doods

The weekend arrived which meant a bit of rest, I am feeling a bit tired after all the excitement of working and living in Kathmandu, just catching buses is like a workout down the gym! Our task of the day was to go back to the Docs for our second of three rabies vaccinations. We did this with no hassle, and even spent an hour in the garden at the clinic with a cup of tea reading the papers!

We then went to our favourite Tibetan restaurant for lunch which was lush. I tried then tuk (pasta soup type thing) and we had Tibetan fried bread. YUM!

On the way hoome we stopped off to do some shopping where we bought some pillows and bedsheets. It is getting colder so we might have to go back for some blankets too. The sun is almost always shining and it is warm, but in the evenings it is quite chilly.

The evening was great. Our landlady Tsering, her niece Tsering and her daughter Zeyden showed us how to make momos, our new favourite food. It was pretty easy, though my technique at making the little filled dumplings was lacking they still tasted great. WE had them with a tomato salsa and veg salad. Very tasty and great fun. We finished the evening making models out of the remaining dough from the momo making, all trying to guess what we were making. Our hosts are very very lovely and we feel very lucky to have found them :-)

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