Old Skool

This man was a real gent and loved having his photo taken. He even went as far as having his photo taken with me, after he had taken his wooley hat and broken glasses off and put his smart jacket on! I am going to print them out for him.

There are loads of men (and only a few women) in the streets sewing using these old machines. They don't have to worry about the regular power cuts, they use foot power. Apparently you can have a new sari made up for as little as 300 rupees (about two quid).

This was taken on our walk up the hill to see Kopan Monastery, the monastary was closed. Still we got a good view of Kathmandu and it felt like we were in the countryside. Afterwards we spent an hour in another Gompa with the monks doing their chanting and horn blowing. We even got given hot coffee and fried snacks :-P

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, which was well required. The lovely Tsering made us a lovely Dhal bhat for lunch and we met Isobel (from Norwich) and her baby.

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