Nathaniel models his Chitral cap

I bought all the boys Chitrali caps in Pakistan, supposedly for kids their age, but they are way too small for them all.

It was a late start but I managed to cook black pudding, bacon, egg and mushrooms for breakfast. We had Bucks Fizz and lots of black coffee.

M sorted out what I’d hit on the camera to get the annoying 1 second bursts instead of a still photo, and he was able to find out how we could reduce the thing to one frame so that the pix of the Wahga Gate ceremony can go in my book. (The apple machines couldn’t do it, but thankfully Mr C has a PC on Windows so he’s going to do it on that then transfer to my IMac.)

S looked at my gems bought in Pakistan and Kashmir, likes my plans for them, but advises I get her teacher to make the pieces as she’s not confident. Of course this work will cost more than the actual sapphires and spinels but it’ll be worth it.

I should be going to Meet the Authors in the village hall tonight but am too tired and my ankle hurts so I’m copping out.

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