Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

In Dublin's fair city...

In Dublin with younger daughter for the marathon tomorrow. We've spent the day finding our way around and making sure she was registered and everything is ready to go. It's going to be a challenging morning for her as the temperature has dropped, it's only expected to be around 4° when we set out at 6.45am.
Still it should be dry which is good news.
The images are from our day today, a window in the 13th century St Patrick's Anglican cathedral, a pillar box, a lock gate on the canal, an amazing horse mural and some umbrellas hanging from a tree in the Bram Stoker festival which was taking place in the grounds of the cathedral. (..!)
They seem to go in for Halloween in a big way here.

26006 steps today, that's over 11 miles, and the marathon is not until tomorrow!

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